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Susana Camacho Roig: A Passion for Healthy Food

By Jerry Brownstein

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Over the past 17 years, Susana has created a dynamic business that brings healthy food to many people on Ibiza, while supporting local ecological farming. The growth of “Biorganic” has been an amazing journey, so how did it get started? Susana is Ibicenca - born and raised here on the island that she loves. As a young woman she learned about the world studying in London and living for a while in Rome. Returning to Ibiza she was busy raising a family and running a successful jewellery store. When her son contracted asthma Susana searched for all the natural ways to help him get healthy. This spurred her to make a deep study of the benefits of ecological food. What she found out not only helped to cure her son, but it changed her life.

Fruits & Vegetables Biorganic

Susana had always been around the food business growing up, as her father was a noted chef, and her grandfather was a farmer. But now she had discovered the reasons why so much of the food we eat is not nearly as healthy as it could be. Pesticides, processing, chemicals and factory farming had all contributed to this situation. The answer was to buy food that was local and ecological, but she soon found out that this was easier said than done. In order to find a full variety of healthy organic products for her family, she had to go to many different places. It took a lot of time and travelling just to do food shopping... and then the light bulb went on in her head. Why not create a store where people can get all of these things in one place! 

In 2006, this realization gave birth to her first Biorganic store on Avenida España in Ibiza Town. It offered local organic fresh fruits and vegetables, plus a wide range of other organic products for body care and home cleaning. Susana learned how to be an organic chef, and the store featured her “Simply Susana” creations as the first certified organic take away in all of Spain. The success of this store led to the opening of her second Biorganic location in the centre of Santa Eulalia. Susana’s mission of making healthy food available to more people was growing fast, and she was developing a business model to make it work even better. The basic idea had two core principles: buy directly from farmers on Ibiza, and increase buying power through expansion. Having more shops would give her the power to pay less, reduce waste and pass on the savings to her customers. Buying direct also helps to support the local ecological farmers, and the money that she pays to them stays here on the island. It’s a win-win situation that supports the sustainability of local ecological farms, while providing healthy food to the people at reasonable prices.

Food Biorganic

The plan is working beautifully. Biorganic now has six thriving locations: Santa Eulalia, Jesus, San Jordi, San Antonio, near Santa Eulalia on the road to Ibiza town, and one on Formentera. In addition there is the large Biocash store for bulk purchases by restaurants, supermarkets and other businesses. In every location the fresh food products are all organic, and 90% come from sixteen local farms here on the island. Susana estimates that the business already supports at least 250 families directly, and another 600 families indirectly.

Not content to just run the business, Susana has studied with some of the world’s most famous vegan chefs. She brings this knowledge to all of her takeout dishes, and also to classes where she teaches local people how to prepare vegan organic food. In fact, she is qualified to give her students official certification as vegan chefs. Susana has managed to combine her love of Ibiza with her passion for bringing healthy affordable food to as many people as possible. It is a noble task that she pursues with dynamic energy and loving dedication.

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