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The Odyssey of Melchior Arnold

By Jerry Brownstein

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Published in Ibicasa Magazine on 15/12/2023 Sharing Link

Many people know Melchior as one of the owners of the Ibiza restaurant Nagai, where he is an effervescent presence at this very popular place. But his journey from boyhood on Ibiza to where he is now was anything but a straight line. It has been more akin to the adventures in Homer’s epic Greek tale of the Odyssey. This classic story takes you on the amazing journey of Odysseus, as he sought to return to his home after the Trojan War. For many years he travelled throughout the ancient world, overcoming adversities with steadfast determination. Melchior has also followed a long and winding journey in pursuit of his dreams. First in the world of sports as a professional football player, and now in his desire to understand and enjoy life on a deeper level.

Melchior, 1972

Melchior’s Odyssey began long before was able to make his own decisions about it. His parents were alternative seekers who met in Haight-Ashbury - the very pinnacle of the “hippie” era in San Francisco. He was born in 1972 and given a name that means “King of Light” - quite a title to live up to. As Melchior was growing up the family moved around and lived in many interesting places: San Francisco, South America, Ibiza and Goa in India. At each stop the young boy was immersed in the magic of different cultures and the freedom of an alternative lifestyle. When he was ten they moved back to Ibiza for seven years, and then to San Francisco where Melchior finished school.

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Scoring Goals in Football and in Life

At that point he was a young man who was finally ready to follow his own path. He had experienced an amazing array of cultures and ways of life, but the dream that shined most brightly in his consciousness was FOOTBALL! Melchior had always been an excellent athlete, but with all the moving and travelling he had not had much formal coaching. The odds of becoming a professional footballer were against him, but his steely determination to succeed was the beginning of his next Odyssey. It began in Bolivia of all places, at the Tahuichi Football Academy. This is where many champions had been trained, and Melchior worked his way up to a level that set the stage for his professional playing and coaching career which spanned the globe with stops in Ibiza, Catalonia, Switzerland, Greece and finally South Korea. Wherever he went he scored goals, made friends and learned languages (he now speaks 8 languages in varying degrees of fluency).

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By 2009 Melchior was back on Ibiza to embark on life after football. He soon connected with Eleonora and Reina who were experienced in the restaurant business. One is an incredible chef and the other a very creative designer and organizer. Melchior was the final piece to the puzzle, and together they opened Nagai in 2011. The synergy of these three talented people is what has made Nagai so successful. The superb food and decor are beautifully enhanced by music, art, colour and a harmonious atmosphere that echoes the true essence of Ibiza. Running a restaurant takes a lot of energy, but Melchior still has time to pursue his other passions.
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Remember that throughout his childhood, the places where he lived and the people around him were all grounded in alternative ways of being, thinking and living. His Mom was a practitioner of astrology, numerology and the I Ching. These formative experiences were always part of Melchior as he travelled the world pursuing his dream of football stardom. Along the way he rekindled this deep connection to the mysteries and magic of living consciously, and thus a more profound Odyssey began.

With typical determination he took every opportunity to study all aspects of the mind, body and spirit: psychology, kinesiology, quantum medicine, druidic alchemy, natural healing, and more. He travelled to events where he could learn from the masters of conscious living, and see how to use this knowledge to help others. Melchior now offers personal sessions in what he calls ‘Quantum Alchemy’ to help people feel the joy, light and aliveness that is their true nature. He also presides over wonderful wedding ceremonies, and makes inspirational short videos that are posted on Instagram. His Odyssey of personal discovery has brought him home to Ibiza, where he continues to evolve as a positive presence in all the lives that he touches.

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