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Follow Your Heart

By Jerry Brownstein

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Published in Ibicasa Magazine on 12/12/2022 Sharing Link

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a source of wisdom that could give you the answers to all of life’s questions? Perfect responses for everything from the biggest decisions to the smallest wonderings: Should I take that job?  Is she/he right for me? Can I trust him? Go out or stay home? Whatever the situation your path to happiness would be clearly marked. Sound good? Well congratulations because each of us already has an inner guidance system to steer us in the right direction. Some call it our wisest self or soul self, and it speaks the wisdom of our hearts. When we choose to listen to its messages the doors of life swing open wide. The challenge that we all face is learning how to consistently connect with this heart-based wisdom.
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Every situation in life presents you with the opportunity to choose whom you wish to be in the world. You can either continue the same old responses and reactions that have been programmed into your mind since birth, or you can choose to follow a more intuitive path. That path leads to the wisdom of your heart which will gently guide you to the thoughts, words and actions that reflect your highest vision of yourself. Albert Einstein put it this way: “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” We remember “the gift” when we choose to answer life’s questions by following the intuition that emanates from our hearts. In so doing we align ourselves with the love-based feelings of joy, gratitude, kindness and compassion. 

This all sounds very simple, and in fact it is: you make conscious choices that are in harmony with the wisdom of your heart so that your inner radiance is reflected in the world. Yes, it’s very simple, but not always so easy. In fact it can be quite a challenge because life does not always flow smoothly. Situations arise where you may be feeling angry, nervous, fearful, or confused. In those difficult times your emotions can get you so worked up that the last thing that you want to do is to start looking for inner guidance. The only way to be able to find the wisdom of your heart in such stressful moments is by learning to build stronger lines of communication between your conscious mind and your inner wisdom - between your brain and your heart.
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The way to do this is through practices that teach us how to access inner stillness, because in order to find the wisdom of your heart you must first get past the chatter of your mind. There are many ways to find that peaceful place within, and whatever feels right for you is your perfect path. Meditation is the classic approach and it works well with breathing exercises that help you to travel inward. Moving meditations like Yoga, Qi Gong and Tai Chi connect you with your inner presence by working through the body and breath. Being in Nature is the simplest way to strengthen your connection to the wisdom of your heart. Walking in the countryside, working in your garden, or just sitting under a tree lets you feel the stillness which is always present in nature, and through that feeling you can experience your own inner peace.

Of course the point of all this is not to spend your life sitting on the top of a mountain in silent meditation. The reason that we build a strong connection between heart and brain is to have access to that wisdom when making choices about how to act in the world. Following your heart means intentionally creating your thoughts, words and deeds to be a clear reflection of the beautiful person that you truly are. It means not just talking about it, reading about it, or thinking about it, but really living it.
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Each of us has a unique gift to give to the world. That gift is our beautiful inner light; fully emerged, and creatively expressing itself in every aspect of our lives. This not only makes life more fulfilling, but we also become a beacon for others to follow… holding the space and creating the vibration for all of humanity to evolve to its greatest potential. So whenever you come to a crossroads in your life remember these simple words: 

“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
what is essential is invisible to the eye.”

(The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

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